Thursday, September 10, 2009

Today's not over yet!!!

Monica woke me up this morning at 4 am having lots of contractions so i got up and drove her to the hospital. They put her in a room and monitored her contractions which were coming every 3 minutes..She had a doctors appointment yesterday and there was nothing going on, but when they checked her today she had finally dilated 1cm and was 60% effaced (to us, that was a big change from yesterday). She did alot of walking and alot or throwing up ;( ...she couldn't hold anything down. So finally around 9:30am the nurse gave her another pelvic exam (3rd on in just a few hrs) and said she still wasn't dilating now Monica is starving so they decided to let her go home, eat, and walk. She also has a slight UTI that she has to go back Monday and get checked for (if she makes it that long). I am thinking at this rate she will have him hopefully by his due date on Sunday. We are looking forward to welcoming him into the world and into our family.
So after we left the hospital i had to go to work so Monica went to my mom's (right next door to my job) and finally ate breakfast and rested a while..she came to my work later and we walked the parking lot for a while. I guess we will wait and see what the Lord has in store .... our time is not his time.... he knows I'm not very patient!!!! But today isn't over yet!!!!